"A sort of 'An Inconvenient Truth' for global
- Charles Masters, The Hollywood Reporter
"POWERFUL and MOVING... it may even enrage you."
- TimRhys, MovieMaker Magazine
"WARNING: Don't watch The End of Poverty?... if you want to
preserve your contentment with your lifestyle and the web of structures
- historic and current - that make it possible."
- Kaitlin Barker, Sojourners Magazine
One Week Run starts Friday November 13,
in New York City:
City Cinemas Village East Cinema
181-189 Second Avenue (@ 12th St.)
Tel: 212-529-6799
Show times:
Fri/Sat 12:00, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15*, 10:15
Sun 12:00*, 3:00, 5:25, 7:50, 10:15,
Mon - Thurs 1:00, 3:25, 5:50, 8:15, 10:35
*Q&As (with Philippe Diaz, Beth Portello, and
Cliff Cobb) to follow the 7:15pm show on Fri/Sat and the 12:00 Noon
show on Sunday.
For more info:
The End of Poverty? is a film produced
by Cinema Libre Studio and Robert Schalkenbach Foundation.
Selections from The End of Poverty?
were shown at the ARTISTS FOR PEACE events last Spring:
"In the Name of the Infinite Mind
of Light,
the Mystical Body of Life, and the Holy Spirit of Love +
One Reality, that manifests, sustains, and transforms All Beings."
The Yoga of the Christos: A Universal Gnostic Liturgy
Circle of the Free Spirit was founded
in 1992 in New York City as a spiritual and cultural association,
with a focus on ministry, study, liturgy, friendship, social justice
and the arts.
As a cultural association we advocate
a cosmopolitan libertarian society where spiritual and cultural
traditions and personal lifestyles may be practiced side-by-side
in peace, social justice, and friendship -- while honoring, protecting,
and sharing the blessings of Mother Earth.
"Whatever happens to another, happens
to oneself." - Oscar Wilde, De Profundis
As a spiritual association we offer
ministry rooted in the independent sacramental lineage and the Way
of Gnosis (Self-Knowledge) as found in pre-Nicene Christianity,
and with correspondences in other spiritual traditions and pathways.
"Friendship is the whole of the
spiritual life." - Gautama the Buddha
We look to one another for insight and cameraderie
along the way. Wherever the Circle gathers, there is our
"temple in consciousness", one "not built by human
hands". We call this AVATAR TEMPLE in friendship with the Hermetic
Order of the Silver Sword and its Avalon Temple in Toronto.
"God Is Friendship" -
Saint Aelred of Rievaulx (ca 1110 - January 12, 1167)
As individuals and friends we also
work for social justice and engage in literary, visual, contemplative,
and performing arts.
"The Child of True Humanity exists
within you. Follow it!
Those who search for it will find it." -
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
Dance Theatre - February 7, 2009 - Where Storks Alight
Liberal Gnostic
Homily for the Summer
Solstice / Saint John the Baptist by Michael Elliot +
The Gospel of Mark
& Swami Vivekananda on the false dualism of sacred vs secular
(latest addition to Literalist Violence & Gnostic Non-violence)
Earth-Sharing Associates:
Creating cultural support for economic justice and ecological
Itkin - The Radical Bishop and Gay Consciousness
of the Jesus Family Tomb at Talpiot
by Keith Akers
Homily on The Feast of the Holy Family by +Mark Aelred
in the New York City Area:
Dance Theatre - February 7, 2009 - Where Storks Alight
To find out more, please contact:
Circle of the Free Spirit
Box 230316 Ansonia Station
New York, NY 10023
Bishop + Mark Aelred
Please visit us again!
Site Launch: July 7, 2006
Latest Update: March 10, 2014
NOTE: Material on this website is copyright (c) by their respective authors.